He’s Growing So Fast

Image by Tina Unsell Seamon

He’s growing so fast.

As I look at my youngest son, my heart secretly wishes that these moments, in the here and now, could last just a little longer.

I quietly whisper to myself, Son, I’m not ready for you to grow up so fast.

Maybe, just maybe, you could slow down so that my Mama heart could have a chance to catch up.

Could you do me a favor?

As you grow could you promise to never lose…

Your sweetness
Your tenderness
Your loving & compassionate heart
Your contagious giggles & laughter
Your sense of wonder
Your joyful essence
Your kindhearted spirit
Your humorous character
Your creativity
Your thoughtfulness
Your considerate nature
Your unselfishness
Your generosity
Your positive personality
Your caring & gentleness
Your love & affection
Your love for Jesus
And so much more …

In the meantime, could you help Mommy to hold onto your littleness for just a while longer?

For now, help Mommy to cherish all of …

Your little hands holding mine
Your butterfly kisses
Your lovable hugs
Your I love you Mommys
Your I need you Mommys
Your Mommy you’re my everythings.

Oh, how I want to hold onto these moments forever, but I know that I must let go and allow you to grow, learn, develop, mature and become the man that God created you to be.

But, for now, could you just slow down.

Maybe. Just a little bit.

I’m not ready.


With Love, From A Mama’s Heart

Tina ~

Copyright © 2021 Tina Unsell Seamon All Rights Reserved