I Want A Christmas That Whispers Jesus

Photo by Tina Unsell Seamon

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year, but lately it has been hard to celebrate.

I know you’re probably thinking to yourself, “How can you feel that way about Christmas?”

For the past several years it’s become more worrisome than joyful.

And honestly, I have to admit it isn’t the picture I envision for myself or my family, especially when I think about celebrating my savior’s birth.

It’s been hard the last couple of years. With everything we have had to endure as a society and as a nation as a whole. It’s been especially hard for those of us Christian’s who are desperately trying to live by our moral and Biblical standards. It seems, at times, that we are being forced to do things that goes against our will. Things in which goes against our beliefs or that we believe to be just and right in the eyes of God. And it’s getting worse by the day. I know I’m not alone when I say that we all have felt the impact of it all.

It’s Christmastime and instead of feeling excited I’m feeling anxiety, extremely tired, worn out, and looking forward to when Christmas is over.

Christmas has become so commercialized and downright demanding that it can sometimes take the enjoyment out of celebrating.

And on top of that, financial burdens can make it difficult for everyone around the holidays.

Trying to figure out how to purchase gifts for your children at this time of year, when you don’t have the means to do so encompasses a whole lot of unwanted pressure that causes me and I am sure many others to dread this time of year.

It wasn’t always this way.

What happened?

Where did the jubilation go?

When did it become more about the gifts than about Jesus?

When did I allow my heart to become so disheartened?

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus and my heart aches that seldom the celebration is truly wrapped up in Him.

Beyond all decorations, tinsel, Christmas trees, lights, gifts, and the many to do list, where does Jesus fit in?

Has my family made room for Him?

Have I made room for Him?

Have you made room for Him?

After all, Jesus is the reason we celebrate the season, right?

Or have we quickly forgotten?

Have I allowed the pressures of life to dampen my spirit?

Unfortunately, it has, but I don’t have to let it, do I? Do we?

Most certainly not!

Then what do I do about it?

What do we do about it?

How do I (we) combat the feelings of stress, worry, anxiety and the endless amounts of pressures that are brought about during the holidays.

We keep our hearts and minds focused on Jesus.

We never let ourselves lose sight of the significance, joy and the miracle of the birth of Jesus.

When our souls are weary we continue to look to Jesus.

We continue to pray and seek His face above all others.

At Christmastime, and in every season.

May we never forget or need reminding of the extraordinary gift that we have been given.

May we never forget to Thank God, for His precious gift of Jesus.

You know the story!

One Holy night, long long ago, a baby changed everything.

For unto us a Child is born.
For unto us a Son is given.

… Born in a stable.
… Wrapped in swaddling clothes
… Placed in a manger
… He was no ordinary baby
… He was Immanuel — God with us

His name shall be called Wonderful Jesus

… Our Blessed Hope
… Our Blessed Assurance

… The Savior of the whole entire world
… The Incarnate God
… The Way, the Truth and the Life
… The True Vine
… The Resurrection and the Life
… The Mediator
… The Lamb of God
… The High Priest
… The Good Shepherd
… The Deliverer
… The Redeemer
… The Bread of Life
… The Author & Perfecter of Our Faith
… The Lord of All
… The Great I Am
… The Counselor
… The Mighty God
… The Everlasting Father
… The Prince of Peace
… The Word of Life
… The Word of God
… The Holy One
… The Light of the World
… The King of Kings and Lord of Lords
… The One True GOD!

The story of Jesus’ birth doesn’t end there.
The story of Jesus’ birth is so much more.

It’s not just a beautiful Christmas story, but the most beautiful Christmas story ever told.

From the birth of Jesus in a manger to the Star of Bethlehem, Christmas is a celebration of God becoming flesh as a gift of love.

The greatest gift of love in whom through and by Him, our Lord, Christ Jesus, would save His people from their sins.

May we be reminded of God’s indescribable gift of love — our beautiful Jesus.

This Christmas, may we make time to just

… Slow Down
… Pause
… Quiet our Hearts.
… Calm our Minds
… Prioritize our Focus

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a Christmas that is,

… hurried
… worried
… pressured
… stressed
… boxed
… wrapped
… packaged
… weighed down
by life’s demands
… stripped of joy
by life’s circumstances

I want a Christmas that

… wraps me in His presence
… comforts me in His Hope and Love
… is devoted solely to Him
… exchanges anxiety and stress for joy
… is focused on Him
… grows closer to Him
… is thankful for the gift of Scripture
… celebrates the miracle of His birth
… is eternally grateful for Gods unspeakable gift

I want a Christmas that rejoices in, Jesus.

I want a Christmas that whispers, His Holy Name.

I want a Christmas that reminds me of just how loved I truly am.

How loved we are all!

I want a Christmas that brings hope of a better tomorrow, through my Lord and Savior.

I want a Christmas that assures me that because of Jesus I can experience true joy even in the midst of trouble.

I want a Christmas in which to marvel in the wondrous power that took place on that Holy night, in order for God to save the entirety of the world.

Thank You, Father God, for Your

… Unspeakable
… Wonderful
… Priceless
… Inexpressible
… Indescribable

Gift of Our Beautiful Jesus.

May we always celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ with delight, elation and tremendous exaltation.

He is worthy of our every praise!




In His Love,

Tina ~

Copyright © 2021 Tina Unsell Seamon All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “I Want A Christmas That Whispers Jesus

  1. It is so easy for the Christmas ‘doings’ to just snowball, isn’t it? We need to give ourselves the grace to unplug from as much of the cultural Christmas push as necessary to simply the season and allow for that quiet reflection and worshipful experience we are meant to have.

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